
DeeKay took his first step to mint his artwork on the blockchain in February 2021.
Since then, he has created and minted numerous artworks as 1/1s (ERC-721, only one existing token on the blockchain) and Editions (ERC-1155, multi-token on the blockchain).
All works are minted under this address:


1 of 1

β€” Self-Discovery (2023) - sold for 48.4ETH
β€” LetsWalk Finale (2022) - sold for 177ETH
β€” Yin Yang (2022) - sold for 118ETH
β€” Life and Death (2022) - sold for 310ETH
β€” Iβ™‘NY (2022) - sold for 136ETH
β€” Destiny (2021) - sold for 225ETH
β€” Mario Metaverse (2021) - sold for 37ETH
β€” Animator Creating Animation (2021) - sold for 109.5ETH
β€” Happy Virus (2021) - sold for 5ETH
β€” Virtual Game (2021) - sold for 25ETH
β€” In The Zone… (2021) - sold for 20ETH
β€” Am I Dreaming? (2023) - sold for 52.5ETH
β€” Right-Clive Savers (2021) - sold for 200k
β€” Twitter Drama (2021) - sold for 6ETH
β€” 4156 x DeeKay (2021) - sold for 8ETH
β€” Quarantine Life (2021) - sold for 25ETH
β€” Instagram Addict (2021) - sold for 10ETH
β€” Character Type (2021) - sold for 22ETH
β€” Skateboard Rides You (2021) - sold for 7.7ETH


LetsWalk OpenSea
First-ever digital collectibles of the character walk series (Total supply: 1592). The project was started on March 17, 2021, and completed on October 27, 2022
Learn everything about LetsWalk.


Avant Arte
β€” Love Ripples (2024) - Supply: 30 (with physical)
DeeKay Edition

β€” What The Font (2023) - Supply: 50
β€” Lovers’ Quarrel (2023) - Supply: 70
β€” Verified (2023) - Supply: 80
β€” Self-Control (2023) - Supply: 25
β€” Work Hard Play Hard (2022) - Supply: 60


6529’s The Meme
β€” GM Everyone (2023) - Supply: 777
Noble Gallery
β€” Let’s Play (2023) - Supply: 531
β€” Fake Pepe God (2022) - Supply: 100 - BTC chain
Pak’s AshTwo
β€” Ronny (2022) - Supply: 46 estimated
β€” Wizard (2022) - Supply: 202 estimated
Cozomo de’ Medici
β€” New Era BTC (2023) - Supply 26.2k (open edition)
β€” New Era ETH (2023) - Supply 45.2k (open edition)
β€” Hollywood GM (2022) - Supply: 56
β€” GM (2022) - Supply: 25
β€” GM from Sparrow (2021) - Supply: 100
β€” Lazy Girl (2021) - Supply: 200
β€” Busy Boy (2021) - Supply: 25