LetsWalk is a captivating walk-cycle animation project created by DeeKay, with the ambitious goal of creating 100 unique characters that could coexist in a shared world. Over a year and a half, from 3/17/2021 to 10/27/2022, DeeKay dedicated himself to the project, ultimately achieving his vision of a final animation where all of the walks were seamlessly integrated into a single frame. The success of this project was highlighted by its debut at Sotheby's, where the work sold for 214k.
β #LetsWalk Guide β
ββ LetsWalk official links:
Opensea β Twitter β Discord
ββ How many editions are they?
LetsWalk is ERC-1155 token, meaning they are multiple copies of a single token.
Depending on the walks, they can be editions of 1/1, 4/4, 5/5, 6/6, 7/7, 10/10, 15/15, 20/20, 25/25, 30/30
ββ LetsWalk drop history
Round 1: dropped 3/17/2021
Round 2: dropped 3/24/2021
Round 3: dropped 8/13/2021
Round 4: dropped 8/29/2021
Round 5: dropped 10/25/2021
Round 6: dropped 1/13/2022
Round 7: dropped 1/30/2022
Round 8: dropped 3/06/2022
Round 9: dropped 6/03/22
Round 10: dropped 7/10/2022
Round 11: dropped 11/11/2022
*Each round had 9 walks
ββ Where are the traits?
No traits. All walks are unique and special in their own way. However, lower editions of walks have higher demands which can be considered rarer.
Click image below to download PFP, mp4, gif, and all the good stuff.