LetsWalk is a captivating walk-cycle animation project created by DeeKay, with the ambitious goal of creating 100 unique characters that could coexist in a shared world. Over a year and a half, from 3/17/2021 to 10/27/2022, DeeKay dedicated himself to the project, ultimately achieving his vision of a final animation where all of the walks were seamlessly integrated into a single frame. The success of this project was highlighted by its debut at Sotheby's, where the work sold for 214k.



β€” #LetsWalk Guide β€”

── LetsWalk official links:
Opensea ─ Twitter ─ Discord

── How many editions are they?
LetsWalk is ERC-1155 token, meaning they are multiple copies of a single token.
Depending on the walks, they can be editions of 1/1, 4/4, 5/5, 6/6, 7/7, 10/10, 15/15, 20/20, 25/25, 30/30

── LetsWalk drop history
Round 1: dropped 3/17/2021
Round 2: dropped 3/24/2021
Round 3: dropped 8/13/2021
Round 4: dropped 8/29/2021
Round 5: dropped 10/25/2021
Round 6: dropped 1/13/2022
Round 7: dropped 1/30/2022
Round 8: dropped 3/06/2022
Round 9: dropped 6/03/22
Round 10: dropped 7/10/2022
Round 11: dropped 11/11/2022
*Each round had 9 walks

── Where are the traits?
No traits. All walks are unique and special in their own way. However, lower editions of walks have higher demands which can be considered rarer.


Round 1

Round 2

Round 3

Round 4

Round 5

Round 6

Round 7

Round 8

Round 9

Round 11

Round 10


Click image below to download PFP, mp4, gif, and all the good stuff.